
St Mary's Catholic Primary is a 2-form entry school and before Governors can consider the allocation of places, the application process which is explained below has to be completed. For further information, please see the Admissions policy below.

For Reception places and in-year transfers, there are four points to remember in order to make it complete.

a) Two forms should be completed. These are the Local Authority's Common
Application Form (CAF) and the school's Supplementary Information Form.

These are available at the school office. You are encouraged to complete the CAF online at 

b) The Supplementary Information Form is to be returned to the school and the
CAF to the Local Authority directly or via the school by the date published by
Merton Local Authority. No application is valid without completion of a CAF. If a
Supplementary Information Form is not completed the school cannot rank the
application until all applicants who have returned a Supplementary Information
Form have been considered.

c) The child’s baptismal certificates must be produced and will be copied for the
school records when the Supplementary Information Form is returned to the
school. If the child gains a place at the school, a copy of the birth certificate must
be provided prior to the child starting school.

d) Parents who complete a Supplementary Information Form should have the form
signed by their priest or religious leader


‘It is the intention of the governing body to seek a variation from the Office of the Schools’ Adjudicator, in relation to Catholic practice. Granting of this variation is, at this time, pending.’


Our Published Admission Number is 30 children per class from Reception to Year 6 and 26 children for Nursery AM and PM respectively. 

Supplementary Information form NURSERY 2024 - 2025.pdf .pdf
Admissions Policy 2024-2025.pdf .pdf
Supplementary Information form RECEPTION 2024 - 2025.pdf .pdf
Admissions Consultation Covering letter - St. Marys.pdf .pdf
Certificate of Catholic Practice.pdf .pdf
St. Marys Admissions Policy 2025-2026 for consultation 1.pdf .pdf

IMPORTANT MESSAGE  - Supplementary Forms


As of the 5th June 2022, Pentecost, the Bishops of England and Wales reinstated the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. Parents applying for a place at St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School, under a faith based criteria will need to complete a Supplementary Information Form. Evidence of practice will be measured by frequency of attendance at Mass as validated by either a priest or minister, as was the case prior to 18th March 2020. These arrangements apply to the admissions round for 2023 and subsequent rounds.


Please see below for a copy of our Parish Boundaries
